Today I went to a different spot to do spotting: to the ramp of the airport! It's my second time there, the first one was last year, also on the Carnival, but it was raining and windy, so I ended up not posting any photos here. But this time, despite some dark clouds, and armed with a fisheye, I decided to upload the photos.
A lot of cockpit members waved at us, and if you are one of them, thank you very much, and do not hesitate to contact me and ask for the photos.
Special thanks to João Freitas who took me to the ramp, and also to Daniel Freitas, who went with us too.
Airbus A319-112, CS-TTV, TAP Portugal
Boeing 737-8K2(WL), PH-HZX, Transavia Airlines
A different photo of the tarmac, taken with a fisheye lenses
Dornier DO-228-201, CS-AYT, Aero Vip
Airbus A321-231, G-OZBL, Monarch Airlines
Airbus A319-112, CS-TTQ, TAP Portugal
Airbus A320-214(WL), G-EZWP, EasyJet
A photo that I wanted to do since some time
Boeing 737-3L9(WL), OY-JTC, Jet Time
A view for the parked aircraft on the apron
Boeing 757-28A(WL), G-OOBB, Thomson Airways
Airbus A320-214, G-EZUC, EasyJet
Airbus A321-211 (WL), OY-TCG, Thomas Cook Scandinavia
Airbus A321-211 (WL), OY-TCH, Thomas Cook Scandinavia
Boeing 737-8K5(WL), G-TAWR, Thomson Airways
Airbus A319-111, G-EZAB, EasyJet
Airbus A320-214, CS-TNX, TAP Portugal
Boeing 757-204(WL), G-BYAW, Thomson Airways
Boeing 737-8K5(WL), G-TAWS, Thomson Airways
Airbus A321-231, G-ZBAL, Monarch Airlines
Airbus A319-132, OO-TCS, Thomas Cook Belgium
Boeing 737-8K5(WL), G-JZHA, Jet2Holidays
Boeing 737-8K5(WL), G-GDFD, Jet2Holidays
Airbus A320-214, CS-TNI, TAP Portugal
Socata TB-10 Tobago, CS-DCH, Aeroclube da Madeira (it is grounded for more than 2 years, and finally I photographed it!)
Piper PA-28-180 Cherokee C, CS-AIC, Aeroclube da Madeira