Tuesday, 28 October 2014


Some months ago, Portuguese Air Force upgraded two of their C-295 (16708 and 16709) and also gave them a new paint, wich is more shiny than the previous one.

Today's takeoff from C295 VIMAR 16708, made a low take-off, and then, after flying over the runway, pitched up in a steep angle.

CASA C-295M VIMAR 16708 Portuguese Air Force

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Kulula on a Cessna?

The Cessna 172 from the Aero Club de Torres Vedras, wearing its new greenish paint, which looks like one from Kulula. For some weeks it has been around here, due to an engine problem. Last week it has taken off, probably for testing, on a short flight to 3000ft towards Funchal bay.

Cessna F172N Skyhawk II, CS-AQX, Aero Club de Torres Vedras

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Smartlynx Estonia

Airbus A320-211 YL-LCM Smartlynx Airlines

Airbus A320-214 ES-SAL Smarlynx Estonia